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  • Chuck

    10/18/2021 at 11:42 am
    3,165 Points

    Wow Bridget, that is a lot to handle all at once. I hope that it all works out. I know it can be very tricky with immigration when green card is being processed. I think that what I have found to be helpful in times of overwhelm and stress, is to remember to take a moment, sit in silence, and just breathe. I know it sounds simple but it has always worked to help me settle my nerves when I need it most.

    I am so happy that this challenge has come during this time as well, and I hope you find it helpful with all you are going through. I struggle with negative self-talk myself so I will be taking this challenge as well and will try to get better along the way.

    I know it is not easy to be a voice of reason to ourselves. Let me know if I can do anything to help at all.

    Stay well, you can do this!